
NEU. In Berlin

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You are invited to step into the world of Will Heard, SW London's best kept secret...until now!

At just 21 years of age, Will is a young & exciting new talent setting out to take the industry by storm.

A charming story teller with an undeniably beautiful voice, mature beyond his years. This singer / song writer brings you a unique blend of Blues, Folk & Soul, adding an element of Funk.

Drawing inspiration from the likes of Jimi Hendrix, Nina Simone, Eric Clapton, Led Zepplin, Amy Winehouse, Parliament Funkadelics & Lauryn Hill to name but a few...

"Music has always been a huge influence on me throughout my childhood. I knew from the age of about 9 that I wanted to be an artist. My family would always play music around the house & I remember just singing along to anything & everything I heard."

Though not just a singer but an avid musician, Will through his love for music taught himself to play the guitar, sax, piano, bass, as well as percussion.

"My first instrument is the Saxophone, although I'm a little rusty now. I was 10 when I first started learning the sax, I heard the Herbie Hancock classic 'Watermelon Man' & instantly took to the horn section. Although I recognised the instrument I didn't know what it was called...well, until one day I was watching 'The Simpsons' & Lisa Simpson played it on her Sax. Straight away I recognised the sound as being the same sound I heard on the Herbie Hancock track! Having then learnt the name of the instrument I begged my mum to buy me one but she couldn't afford to. I never gave up asking, she eventually agreed to rent one for me. It was almost the same size as me, I had to rest it on a cushion just to be able to hold it & I would just blow down the mouthpiece constantly until one day I actually got it to make a sound, eventually I got better & started learning to play songs by ear. I later started taking lessons"

Having recently returned to the UK from his travels across the pond (Cuba, Argentina and Brazil) Will is currently in the lab working hard, writing & recording material to share with the world.

"Im just getting my feet on the ground here in London town but working on producing songs / music I really believe in but I'm mostly looking forward to getting out there & sharing my stories / experiences with you all. Peace and love Will Heard"



Autoheart are a four piece from East London. With Jody Gadsden, vocals, Simon Neilson, piano and keys, Barney JC, guitar, and David Roman, drums.

Having supported The Hidden Cameras, and Scott Matthew, and performed at Hyde Park this Summer during the Olympics, the band’s night - Punch (also the name of their debut album) - which ran for all of 2012 featured breakthrough acts including Fiona Bevan and Black Gold Buffalo

Their debut single ‘The Sailor Song’ - championed by Radcliffe and Maconie, Shaun Keaveny and Bob Harris - became an instant underground classic, and in November ‘Control’ – the first track from their forthcoming album ‘Punch’ – was released. EQ called it a ‘glorious tune… superb and sublime,’ while The Ring Master called the track ‘epic from its heart".

Autoheart will release 3rd single 'Lent' on 11 February 2013. Their debut album 'Punch' will follow soon after.


NEU. In Berlin

Nach dem 3 Tage Songwriting-Session-Marathon in den Phlexton Studios in Kreuzberg können wir endlich unsere Teilnehmer auch auf der Bühne im LIDO begrüßen.
Will Heard, Kat Vinter, Autoheart und WIM - die vier Acts des Abends bieten von Indie, Acoustic bis hin zu Elektro- und Deutsch Pop alles, was das Herz begehrt. Wir freuen uns, euch die nächste Generation und ihren Sound vorstellen zu können und gemeinsam mit euch einen Abend voll neuer Musik zu feiern!
Ihr wollt dabei sein und diese taufrischen Bands live erleben? Registriert euch einfach über die Website und ihr steht automatisch & kostenlos auf der Gästeliste!
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