Loft Concerts


Verlegt auf den 18.12.11 im Postbahnhof! Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit!
15,00 €
+ Geb


Die Tour der Vaccines muss aufgrund von Stimmband- Problemen des Sängers leider verschoben werden!!
Nachholtermin ist der 18.12.11 im Postbahnhof!
Bereits gekaufte Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit!
Hier das Statement der Band:

Sorry to keep so many of you in the dark regarding our touring plans over the next few weeks, but we wanted to be sure of them before we spoke to you. Unfortunately, the Doctor has now confirmed that, this week, he will be operating on my throat for a third time this year. It was the wait for this decision, and no other reason, that meant we were able to complete commitments over this last week and why we will not be able to complete those in the coming weeks.In a bid to allow my throat to recover and rehabilitate completely, we will be cancelling all shows, including our trips to North America in September and Japan and Europe in October. We will resume with our touring commitments in Paris on October 26th before supporting our friends the Arctic Monkeys here in the UK. This allows me to have eight weeks of the best vocal therapy available, allowing the best possible chance of complete recovery.As I have said before, we understand any anger or upset, but we hope you all understand that we are completely devastated by this problem that has continued to plague us personally and professionally during the best year of our lives. Cancelling shows in exchange for repeated hospital visits plain fucking sucks. I know it may seem unfair that we continue to visit certain places whilst failing to visit your city or country, but touring is all we have ever wanted to do, so to suggest that we may not want to play a show, or that certain shows take priority over others, is not true. We are simply following the Doctor's orders. You have our word on that. We need to be able to perform to the best of our abilities without doing permanent damage to my throat. I can assure you that if you grant us your understanding and your patience, we will be in your hometown to play for you in the very near future.The following dates have now been rescheduled from October to the new dates below, tickets from the original shows will remain valid for these:Sun 11 Dec Hamburg KnustMon 12 Dec Koln LuxorTue 13 Dec Wed 14 Dec Amsterdam ParadisoThu 15 Dec Copenhagen VegaFri 16 Dec Stockholm Debaser MedisSat 17 Dec Sun 18 Dec Berlin PostbahnhofMon 19 Dec Brussels AB Main HallFor those of you in Italy, Ireland and North America, please bear with us whilst we endeavour to reschedule the affected dates. Japanese dates will now happen in February and we will also be announcing dates in South and Central America very soon too.Once again, please accept our sincerest apologies and know that we are extremely sorry to let you all down. I hope we will see as many of you as possible in the Autumn.
Justin x
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